SQC & OR Units, Mumbai


The Government of India set up the first Statistical Quality Control (SQC) Unit in July 1953 at Bombay (now Mumbai) under the technical guidance of the Indian Statistical Institute as a result of the pioneering efforts of the founder of the Institute, professor P C Mahalanobis. The unit was established with a principal object of fostering the growth and development of the use of SQC and allied techniques like OR in industrial and other establishment in the country, and to undertake education, training and research in SQC in order to improve the quality of goods and services, as well as, increase productivity and reduce costs in industry.

The unit activities can be described in the following categories;

  • Consultancy and project assignments
  • Conducting in-plant and general Training
  • Teaching and training.

SQC & OR Unit, ISI, Mumbai has served a wide variety of organizations, both Manufacturing and Service, across the country through training and consultancy in the fields of Statistics and Operations Research like Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Design of Experiment, Statistical Process Control etc.